The Shiawassee FAN chapter was initiated in 2019, when a group of concerned community organizers came together in realization of the drug use epidemic in Shiawassee County.
In 2017, with the help of the community as a whole, the first individual graduated from Shiawassee’s individualized drug court program. Since then, the number of participants involved in the program has skyrocketed, in hopes of keeping individuals facing criminal offenses caused by their drug use out of jail. With the efforts of the court and the rehabilitation community, individuals are able to get a job and continue to work towards sobriety without being incarcerated. Shiawassee County works with a variety of entities to help make this happen. These include court programs such as Swift and Sure, mental health court, and community support agencies such as the Alliance for a Drug-Free Shiawassee, the Shiawassee Prevention Network, and Recovery Pathways, LLC.
According to the Shiawassee Health Department and Alliance for a Drug-Free Shiawassee, 21 opioid-related deaths were reported in 2017 in Owosso alone, and a staggering 10,917,012 tablets of hydrocodone were dispensed. This is the equivalent of giving 18 tablets per person, per month, to every man, woman, and child in Shiawassee County. Last year, there were 369 confirmed cases of overdoses treated in Memorial Healthcare's emergency department.
Shiawassee’s FAN chapter will provide a foundation of support and education, and let members of the community know that they do not stand alone in this fight.

Bio coming soon.

Bio coming soon.

Bio coming soon.
Jessica Glenn